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family beach daySome laws prohibit a doctor’s office by giving big discounts to patients. The Office of the Inspector General (OIG) of the US Department of Justice (DOJ) discourages doctors from discounting their fees more than 15% off their standard insurance rates. Otherwise, this is classified as “fee-splitting” or a “dual fee schedule” which is unlawful. Therefore, the question arises how can we doctors give our patients discounts without getting into trouble?

We found a workable solution to this called ChiroHealthUSA! ChiroHealthUSA is a provider-owned network working in conjunction with a Discount Medical Plan Organization. They provide a simple solution when it comes to offering legal network based discounts for cash, underinsured, and “out of network” patients.

The ChiroHealthUSA program provides discounts on many of your chiropractic and other therapy expenses. Your acceptance is guaranteed and the program can be used by you and members of your immediate family. While this program is not health insurance nor a replacement for insurance, it can be used to supplement a major medical health insurance policy including Medicare.

happy young couple piggybacking at beachIt is comparable to joining Sam’s Club or Costco in that you pay an annual fee of $49 starting on the day that you sign up. Not only are individual services in our office discounted, but huge discounts are offered for multiple services on the same day. We offer a “capped fee” discount in which you can have one therapy (cold laser, sauna, traction, therapeutic exercise, etc.) in addition to one treatment (a chiropractic adjustment or acupuncture treatment) and your visit capped fee or the limit of what you are charged is $65! An example is you receiving a full spine chiropractic adjustment and a cold laser treatment. An uninsured patient would normally pay $52 for the adjustment + $32 for the cold laser treatment for a total of $84. However, with ChiroHealthUSA he/she would only pay $65 which is a $24 savings! That takes care of half of the $49 annual fee! Each additional therapy on a routine office visit is discounted to $20 and each additional treatment (acupuncture or chiropractic adjustment) is $50.

Also, if the spouse of the original family member that signed up with ChiroHealthUSA becomes a patient, then his/her capped fee per routine office visit is just $50! Besides, other subsequent adult dependents in the household are capped at $50, too. Plus, all children ages 0-18 would have a capped fee of just $40!

Other discounts include the initial exam at $50, re-exams at $30, and 10% off all products (supplements, orthopedic supports, etc.) if you purchase $100 or more in one visit.

For more information on this excellent program please visit the ChiroHealthUSA website and feel free to contact our office so that we can answer any questions about our unique discounts.

Nedd Chiropractic & Wellness Center | (727) 467-0775